Jumat, 19 April 2013

Kisi-kisi English Conversation Kelas XI IPA/IPS

English Conversation
KD 1. Passive Voices (Kalimat Pasif)
Siswa mampu memahami dan membuat kalimat pasif dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Contoh soal:       Change the following sentence into passive form
Active                   : She has kicked the balls
Passsive               : The balls have been kicked by her
KD 2. Direct/ Indirect Speech (Kalimat Langsung dan Tidak Langsung)
Siswa mampu memahami dan membuat kalimat tidak langsung dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Contoh soal:       Change the these Direct Speech into Indirect Speech
Direct Speech    : Rofiq said, “Gladys, you are beautiful.”Indirect Speech                : Rofiq said to Gladys that she was beautiful.
Direct Speech    : Gladys said, “Are you serious?”
Indirect Speech                : Gladys asked Rofiq if (whether) he was serious.
Direct Speech    : Rofiq asked Gladys, “What do you mean?”
Indirect Speech                : Rofiq wanted to know what Gladys meant.
Direct Speech    : Gladys said, “Rofiq! Come here and answer my question!”
Indirect Speech                : Gladys asked Rofiq to come there and answer her question.
KD 3. Suffixes (Akhiran)
Siswa mampu memahami arti kata yang mendapatkan akhiran dan membuat kalimat yang menggunakan kata yang berakhiran.
Suffix yang diajarkan:
-          …ment                  :  advertisement, agreement, investment
-          …ion/tion            :  action, admission, reduction
-          …ation                  :  classification, pronunciation, imagination
-          Ance/ence          :  admittance, disturbance, excellence, preference
-          …t                           :  content, complaint, weight
-          …er/or/ist/ant/ent
Composer, speaker, director, investor, assistant, applicant, resident
-          …al                         :  approval, trial, dismissal
-          …ure/ture/ature
Departure, mixture, failure, signature
-          …y/ery/ary         :  boundary, bribery, injury
-          …age                     :  carriage, passage, marriage
Contoh soal:       Choose the best answer.
My sister always _____ her room with flowers.
A.  Beautiful       B.  Beautify         C.  Beauty            D.  Beautifully        E.  Beautifies

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